
Nature knows no borders. The Manual for Environmental Justice aims to connect communities, researchers, and organisations across the island of Ireland.
Communities are rising up against environmental and social injustice

What is Environmental Justice?

“Environmental Justice” is the intersection of social justice and environmentalism – in other words, the protection of both people and the planet. Environmental Justice ensures the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies.  

Check out how environmental justice relates to housing and health here – and see more information in our resource directory. 

Why is the Manual for Environmental Justice an all-island toolkit?

There are no borders in nature. What happens in the environment of one jurisdiction unavoidably impacts the other. However, the two jurisdictions which exist on the island of Ireland have developed (with some exceptions) almost completely segregated environmental governance structures, legal and policy frameworks, and implementation processes. This has led to a divergence in environmental standards and climate policy.  

This toolkit is a step towards greater connectivity, collaboration, and shared solutions to environmental justice issues across the island of Ireland. It has been developed by Community Law and Mediation's Centre for Environmental Justice and Environmental Justice Network Ireland working in collaboration. The project has been funded by Community Foundation Ireland/Community Foundation Northern Ireland's all-island fund.

About Us 

Community Law and Mediation’s Centre for Environmental Justice 

Community Law & Mediation (“CLM”) is an independent community law centre which provides free legal advice, advocacy, mediation and education services. CLM was established in Coolock in 1975 and opened a second law centre in Limerick in 2012. Today, it assists more than 4,000 people annually. In 2021, CLM established the Centre for Environmental Justice which works to ensure climate change and other environmental harms do not disproportionately affect those who have contributed least to the problem. We also work to ensure that the State’s response to environmental issues addresses inequality and protects the rights of present and future generations. 

Environmental Justice Network Ireland 

The Environmental Justice Network Ireland (EJNI) is a community of practice connecting interdisciplinary academic researchers, NGOs, regulatory staff, environmental lawyers, representatives from industry and government with community activists and the ‘barefoot lawyers and planners’ who have emerged over the last decade on the island of Ireland in response to serious environmental governance failures. EJNI’s aim is to support communities and individuals that are engaged in both promoting environmental justice and challenging environmental injustice through enhancing knowledge about complex environmental and legal issues that exist on the island of Ireland.  


Through this website, Community Law & Mediation (‘CLM’) and Environmental Justice Network Ireland (‘EJNI’) provide a platform whereby issues in respect of environmental law and environmental justice can be discussed and information in respect of both topics can be shared. In addition to CLM and/or EJNI, third parties may access and publish information and/or documentation on this website.

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